Thursday, November 20, 2008

How can you have any meat, if you don't eat your pudding?

We all know about the $400K retreat for AIG execs right after they received their fuckin BAILOUT.

On their way to grovel for their own BAILOUT, the CEO’s of GM, Ford, and Chrysler flew to Washington in private luxury jets. The GM CEO Rick Wagoner flew in on a jet that reportedly cost $36 million. (One of eight luxury jets in financially strapped GM’s fleet.)

I get that you have to break some eggs to make an omelet but at least pretend to understand that times are tough when you're asking for corporate welfare and fly commercial you fucks. No wonder my rice rocket does so much better than your shitty lemons.

Here's my revised business plan for Detroit: MAKE CARS THAT LAST LONGER THAN 3 YEARS.


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