Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Chickens

~ A SF writer postulates on using boobs as an energy source HERE.

~ Props to Kal Penn for ditching Hollywood for eastside's Tinseltown and becoming the associate director of the White House Office of Public Liaison. Sounds like a great PR gig for a stoner from Jers. Go Brown!!!

~ From the land down under, we get reports of a mother arrested for drunk driving and breast feeding AT THE SAME TIME!!! HERE.

~ Fox news told me that Obama hosted a seder dinner in honor of the chosen's tribe Passover holiday. However, unlike Clinton who did the same, Obama actually attended the dinner. Le Chaim!

~ And some news to put you in your place this Spring Friday:
One of this year's NYTimes scholarship winners is "a 20-year-old who immigrated from China with her parents in 2007 (but her parents returned, because it was too tough), makes $560/month and pays $550 in rent, leaving $10/month, 'which she spends carefully on large bags of rice, chicken leg quarters at 49 cents a pound, and whatever vegetables are cheapest.' Thanks to 'two free meals a day at school, a student MetroCard and the unexpected kind act— her English teacher, for instance, gave her $100,' she manages—and has a 93 average at her high school."

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