Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Support these talented friends of mine by visiting their site with the video that put them on the map!

rEaD a BoOk

p.s. On an unrelated note: I love Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Morse v. Frederick, was a First Amendment student free speech case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that a school principal may, consistent with the First Amendment, restrict student speech at a school event when that speech is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use.

In 2002, 18-year-old Joseph Frederick was suspended from the high school where he was a senior after he displayed a banner reading "BONG HiTS 4 JESUS" across the street from the school in Juneau, Alaska, during the Winter Olympics torch relay.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wet. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Learn to walk. Learn to talk. Go to elementary school. Graduate. Go to high school. Graduate. Go to college. Graduate. Get a job. Go back to school. Graduate. Go back to work. Get married somewhere in between. Have kids. Watch them graduate as you move towards graduating to the afterlife. This seems to be the prevalent pattern in the land of the free. Granted things are always changing, most parents would love if their kid followed some semblance of the aforementioned path.

According to the Encyclopedia Britanica Life Map, grad school is my next step. I've tried to steel myself into only going back to do something that not only interests me but is also viable....what a mindfuck......only the extremely lucky and rare assholes actually jump out of bed to a million dollar job of getting head all day or something similarly awesome. The rest of us just wanna be comfortable. Though one may find comfort in a car while another finds comfort in hiking. Whatever IT is, IT probably takes money to get or at least enjoy while your rent, electricity, and gas bills are paid.

So here lies my conundrum. Business or Psychology. Psychology is something I have been attuned to for most of my life. Business is something I have a knack for and it is obviously financially rewarding. Both can be lucrative so I am going to my second line of criteria which is gauged impact upon the world. I don't entertain any notions of becoming a Peace Corp worker but I do think I can legitimately affect things. The question is do I take the high road and attempt some trickle down economics through a MBA or do I fight the good fight in the trenches with a Psychology degree.

What strikes me is how pervasive business is in this country. Most major decisions these days are backed by lobbyists and such. For example: the biggest reason why we are about to get fucked with a terrorist bomb in our ass is because of oil. We bitch when gas goes to $3.30/gallon when people in Europe pay $6/liter. Now everyone and their mother is singing about alternative fuels. The kicker is that we had electric cars 100 YEARS AGO!!!!!!! You're telling me that a fuckin century has gone by and gas companies had nothing to do with supressing the technology. It is frustrating and makes me want to be idealistic and work the system from the inside out.

The flipside of that coin is doing Counseling Psych where I could work is in schools and hosptials as well as have my own private practice. This appeals to me because it is a mindset that comes naturally. I enjoy it and the bottom line would not be a company's profit margins but rather someone's well being.

I need more sleep.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Bayou Takes a Liking to an Injun

Louisiana elects Bobby Jindal, the first ever Indian-American governor.

Sux he's a Republican, but brown is BROWN.

-thanks B

Friday, October 19, 2007


in the elevator:
{2 guys} "It's always a bad sign if you have to retain council for a breakup......I want my next one to be a professional....maybe one at an ad agency"

in my head:
"i came from his cock and I inherited alot off his traits but i have a different path."

in a g-chat to me:
"its dark and lonely on the other side of you."

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The girl driving was a good friend's younger sister coming back from the Bonaroo Festival in Tennessee.

Monday, October 15, 2007

In Case of Apocalypse Later, a Plan to Ensure America’s Regreening

The seed vault at the Greenbelt Native Plant Center on Staten Island, where Timothy Chambers oversees thousands of plants.

This is run by the Millennium Seed Bank Project.

Friday, October 12, 2007


In honor of Katie's 1st visit to the hood I grew up in:

DOVER, N.J. (the town next to mine), Oct. 11 — Frank Poolas, a burly ex-marine who has been an alderman here for eight years, simply did what many of his fellow politicians have done since Sept. 11: He raised the specter of terrorism.

Specifically, he warned of the hidden dangers lurking in gum balls and other loose candy dispensed by coin-operated vending machines. The machines, he said at a City Council meeting last month, were vulnerable, and “in times like these,” they might be used for nefarious purposes.

Read more of the stupidity.....

Friday, October 5, 2007

More than meets the eye



Thursday, October 4, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC – The One Hitters, a softball team sponsored by Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, took over the #1 ranking in the Congressional Softball League recently. The team's 13-3 record has vaulted them to the top of the league, which is made up of Congressional offices, lobbying and consulting firms, non-profit organizations, and local businesses. Team leaders are especially proud of the ranking, which contradicts negative stereotypes of drug policy reformers as unmotivated "stoners."

"The drug policy reform community is made up of dedicated,hardworking people who take the issues of drug abuse and drug prohibition very seriously," said One Hitters captain and SSDP Executive Director Kris Krane. "We take pride in fielding a fun but competitive team that dispels myths and stereotypes about people who care about ending the so called 'War on Drugs.'" The One Hitters have competed in the league for five years.

Two years ago they made national headlines when the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy refused to play a game due to ideological reasons. "Everyone knows that ONDCP backed out because they were scared of losing to us on the field, much the same way they are afraid to debate us because their policies fail in the court of public opinion," said center fielder David Guard, who is associate director of the Drug Reform Coordination Network. "We have an open challenge tothe Drug Czar to play or debate anytime, anywhere."

-source unknown