Monday, July 2, 2007


So 2 months ago Katie's parents got a condo on Long Beach Island off the Jersey shore 100 feet from the beach. that sat night we went to a spot with a hefty $10 cover and a cover band that was playing gin blossoms and a drunk bus that took people home which we rode by ourselves. i even saw a girl from my high school there who i avoided like the plague. the only thing that was weird was 2 consecutive restaurants seated us in empty rooms blatantly away from the rest of the crowd. as i was trying to dissect why this happened i ruled out us looking poor as everyone on a beach island dresses the same and katie's fam is upper middle class. then my thoughts literally turned darker as i pondered my sore thumbness amongst a white family. Katie's dad, Frank, wasn't taking any shit so the second time it happened he got pissed. Fuckin jersey.

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